Hello, my name is Mary Fairs & I am the proud owner of Zen Healing. I thought it would be useful for you to know more about me and my journey, so you can understand more about the work that I do and how it can help you.
Make sure you read to the end of this page, as I will also share with you below the big secret to success and to attracting what you want in you life, which I discovered on my life journey so far - I call this "The Greatest Secret of All!" This is what the top 1% of the world have always known, and what the top 10% have discovered and put into practice. I have found this to be the key ingredient to achieving fulfilment, abundance and success in all areas of life. I am so excited to be sharing it with you!
I'm the proud mum of two gorgeous kids (they are my world), a busy wife, a small business owner, a daughter, a sister, neighbour & friend.
Prior to having kids I was a Business Development Director in the City - my area of expertise was in Marketing and I worked very happily in that field for nearly 17 years - my work had impact & I just loved it! But what I loved best of all in my many management roles was training and developing others. From the results I achieved, I knew I was born to do this. I love helping people - its the fabric of who I am, and is my true passion and purpose in life.
Then my husband and I decided to have kids, and I took time out of my busy career to concentrate on raising my family, and building our dream home. But I never stopped healing and mentoring as many people as I could to feel great, to help them rewrite the story of their life, and achieve their goals, including my kids!
As the kids were growing up, I felt uncomfortable about returning to the City and working long hours away from the children, and with no mum of my own to help I decided to set up my own business! It was important to me to be there for them - to love and support them in their goals too - whilst still being able to do meaningful work that would make a positive difference to people's lives.
The idea for this heart centred business has long been a dream of mine, but it wasn’t until the last few years when I had to rely on my ability to heal myself, to rely on the inner strength, beliefs and strong values that I had accumulated through my journey of self development, that I realised what my exact calling was, and what form Zen Healing would take.
So instead of returning to the City and my 9-5 existence, I started my coaching & healing practice from a part-time venture to now launching it as a full time business based in the beautiful and historic city of St Albans. It was a huge decision for me, but it feels so right.
In the late 80s, I started working in the City of London. It was such an exciting time of great change - companies in the private sector were positively encouraging training, self development, and the demand for entrepreneurial skills was on the rise! And my colleagues and I made full use of all the amazing training opportunities on offer.
Work were great, and allowed me to book as many courses as I wanted with speakers who were at the top of their field in the business world! Through attending these courses and workshops, I came into contact with the three most amazing speakers/trainers of our time (in my personal opinion) and they are Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield, and later came the mighty Tony Robbins! Once I heard them speak - my life was changed forever. I also invested in self development books & audio tapes, the first of which were by Dale Carnegie, Susan Jeffers, and Napoleon Hill to name but a few - and their works had a similar effect on me.
These courses and books got me thinking - I was young, ambitious and wanted to succeed and make an impact. But how? We were all intelligent at work, but what made one person more successful than another? I made it my mission to find out the keys to success. As well as working full time, and studying part-time for my Business Degree, I also made an effective study of every successful person I came across - some of whom were self made millionaires. And each time I would ask them this one question - if they could go back in time, what is the one thing that they have learnt that they wish they knew when they first started out?
I learnt so much from listening to their life stories for the mere cost of buying them a coffee or meeting up for a lunch, and I used every single one of the life hacks they taught me. Through their shared wisdom, I developed what is now more commonly referred to as a "success mindset", and yes I did achieve the success I wanted and more, and I helped my colleagues, friends, and family along the way too. And it also allowed me to earn enough so that I could easily save enough money to afford to stay at home with my kids when I needed to.
My bosses at the time called me a "Kingmaker" and my teams became lovingly known as the "A Team" by our clients. As a Manager and then Director, I wanted to do all I could to make my teams successful, so I trained as a life coach in my spare time. I drafted bespoke training programs specific to their individual needs and aspirations, to help them be the best they can be in their roles, and then mentored them to success. They were all a great bunch, so much drive and character, and it was a privilege to develop and manage them all.
I was so surprised to discover that ALL the amazingly successful business men and women that I had the good fortune to meet all had one thing in common - they were all very spiritual - they said it took their careers and lives to a whole new level and dimension in terms of achievement, happiness and personal fulfilment.
So I took their advice and made time to join a Tai Chi class and a Meditation group - this was at a time when the mass public did not have the understanding about meditation as everyone does today. I was taught the importance of visualisation, the importance of goal setting, the power of our subconscious, tapping into our higher selves, listening to the signs of the universe, and then onto what is now known as manifesting techniques. They also impressed upon me the importance of organising, beautifying, and creating a home environment that supported my life goals, so I learnt all about Space Clearing (clearing out old stuck negative energy in your home) and Feng Shui (the science of organising your home to create a high vibe space that attracts wealth, health and happiness). I learnt these two ancient practices by attending weekend workshops with legends in this field such as Denise Linn, Karen Kingston, William Spear, and a wonderful Buddhist Monk called Arto, to name but a few.
Many people refer to me as being very spiritual, and I am, but I am also very scientific in my approach to life - I will always keep an open mind, listen to new ideas and try new things - it if works then I believe, if I find it doesn't work then I won't waste any further time on it. I found that these ancient practices really did add a whole new dimension to my life and career, and changed my thought processes and approach to life, and resulted in increased levels of happiness, inner strength, creativity, abundance, wealth and prosperity.
I was lucky enough to be earning enough to be able to afford to learn from legends in the field of personal growth and spirituality. And believe me it was worth every penny! It has been an amazing journey of self discovery and achievement so far.
In my twenties, my mum sadly died of brain cancer - she was only 52 years old. It was at this time that I was introduced to the power of Reiki, and this beautiful life giving energy gave me the healing and strength I needed at this difficult time.
I was inspired to learn The Ancient Art of Reiki Healing, Crystal Healing, and continued to study all I could about the ever growing field of Energy and Vibrational Medicine. Over the last 20 years, I have watched these ancient arts gain mass following, with the training becoming much more affordable and accessible to all which is great! I am proud to list myself as a course provider, and help pass on this invaluable knowledge and keep these ancient arts alive.
We are all living in the most amazing time when spirituality, healing and science all meet!
So much of what thought leaders, spiritual teachers, and healers have known for centuries can now be proven by science - most particularly by Quantum Physicists - how amazing is that! So much of it is no longer theory, wishful thinking or woohoo - companies around the world spend thousands of pounds on meditation classes for their staff, you will now find Reiki Healers employed by the NHS and employed by health authorities around the world. Insurance policies now offer Reiki Treatments too.
Fast forward to today, and I now have over 25 years experience in healing, inspiring, mentoring and empowering individuals to feel better, create more abundance in their lives, and move closer to living their dream life by tapping into what one of my clients calls the “invisible side” of success and wellbeing.
I make full use of all the knowledge I have happily spent a fortune learning over the last 35 years, by sharing all that I have learnt through books, courses, my incredible life experiences, and learnt from all the amazing people I have met along the way.
I feel so happy that I can now help people from all walks of life to feel better, to break through their barriers and self limiting beliefs, heal pain, and help them experience the pure joy of living life from a place of faith not fear.
I am forever grateful to each and everyone of my clients as they allow me to earn a living doing what I love, and still be on hand at home to continue raising my two wonderful kids.
I feel so blessed and privileged once again to be paid for doing what I love!
Through my treatments, courses, workshops and coaching, I look to provide you with a safe space to explore who you are, the things that matter most to you, your beliefs, your values, your relationships, your lifestyle, and the stories that have been created in your life, and how this affects how you live.
For many, it takes great courage to face "what is” before one looks ahead at “what might be”. For others, it is an intense process of soul-searching and becoming more aware of what they truly want in life.
From this new space of increased self awareness, I also look to provide you with the knowledge and practices (both ancient and new), and the values and philosophy you need to be able to heal yourself, increase your sense of wellbeing, increase abundance in your life, help you plan for your future, and start creating the life you want from the life you have.
But of equal importance, working with me will raise your vibration, raise the vibration of your home, raise the vibration of your life, and help you attract what you truly want in your life with more ease and grace.
Now it's time to learn why raising your vibration is so important!
"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
This is not Philosophy. This is Physics."
Albert Einstein
In my twenties I made it my mission to find out what made one person more successful than another and to discover the keys to success.
Well not only did I interview as many successful people as I could to learn all I could, but I also spent a small fortune on attending self development courses, reading books and listening to audio tapes. I was lucky enough to be able to afford to learn from legends in the field of personal growth and spirituality. I felt even more blessed when work was willing to pay for me to attend conferences and workshops with speakers who were at the top of their field in the business & personal development world.
After years of personal study of the keys to success, I was so surprised to discover that a big part of their success was down to their SPIRITUALITY, and that all roads in the world of personal development and success led to one key factor - ENERGY!
More specifically, your energy.
What I am going to outline below is the secret that the top 1% of the world has always known, and that the top 10% discovered, learnt, and then mastered to attain the success of their dreams! And this could be you too!!
I can hear you say "huh? What has this got to do with anything?"
Trust me and please read to the end. This really is life changing stuff.
Ok, lets get back to this!
Science shows us that everything is made up of energy.
It’s in the building block of all matter. The same energy that composes your body is also the one that makes up the sea, the sky, the trees, your phone, your car, the chair you sit on, your pet, even the bricks of the house you live in!
This omnipotent energy pervades all living things, and everything we see feel and touch is all the same energy, and it is constantly ‘flowing’ and changing form.
We are physical matter, but what we forget (or don’t know) is that we are energy. This is real, and quantum physics prove this.
What many people don't realise is that our thoughts are a form of energy. What you think about and focus on has a huge impact on your life.
So if you think thoughts of fear & negativity - you will get fear & negativity!
If you think thoughts of love and abundance - you will receive love and abundance in your life.
If you think you never have enough money - you will never have enough money.
If you think there are no jobs out there - then guess what, you won't find a job out there!
The things you focus on in your thoughts and life are what you will attract into your life.
So your thoughts will manifest with no regard for impact. Basically, the Universe picks up on your energy and returns the same energy back to you - good or bad.
Every time I give a talk on this, everyone thinks the mind is our brain. Let me clear up this common misconception. Our brain is located in our head - it is a physical aspect of our body which operates a bit like a computer.
Our minds on the other hand, is a non-physical entity, it is a spiritual aspect of our being and is pure energy. The mind uses the brain, and the brain responds to the mind. I am going to focus on two aspects of our minds:
You cannot outperform your image of yourself that is stored in the subconscious mind - this is called a limiting belief. It is also the home of imposter syndrome, anxiety and fear.
This is what often prevents us from succeeding, as we are limited by what has been programmed into our subconscious mind over time, and then our egos can get in the way too! Have you ever been asked to do an important presentation at work, but avoided doing it because you feared you wouldn't be able to do it? You fear was your subconscious mind at work.
Your subconscious mind controls 95% of your life - it never rests, sleeps or takes a break because it controls all vital processes and functions within your body. While you are sleeping, your conscious mind becomes dormant, but according to neuro scientists, your subconscious mind always stays fully awake and will still hear and process everything - which is why I recommend to my kids and clients to listen to positive podcasts/videos/tapes while they are sleeping to heal fear based thinking in their subconscious minds, and re-programme their minds for success!
As you can see, you can re-programme your subconscious mind to change beliefs, emotions, and habits to support your goals and desires - it requires time & effort, but once you do you will be on the way to success! Our subconscious minds cannot differentiate between negative and positive, truth or lie - so if you think you can't do a certain goal, then you won't be able to do it! You can know something rationally in your conscious mind, but it is only when we know and accept it in our subconscious mind that we will see change in our level of success in life. Your brain will then start building new connections that empower you to pursue and achieve that goal.
We all have free will to choose the path we wish to take in life. Regardless of which path you choose, it is very important to understand the laws that govern our universe if you want to achieve abundance and success. You wouldn't expect to win at a board game if you never took the time to learn the rules of the game? Same principle.
These natural laws governs everything in our universe - scientists understand these natural laws are essential for the formulation of mathematical models, simulations, exploration of our reality, as well as the creation of amazing inventions - but so many people are totally unaware of these natural laws and the impact they constantly have on our daily lives be it for good or bad. These laws operate in our lives constantly, dictating the results we achieve.
When you know and take the time to understand them, you can get your life in harmony with them, and attract or “manifest” what you desire in your life.
The Law of Attraction (LOA) has become very well known over the past 14 years because of "The Secret" film & books, which led to the creation of a multitude of videos on social media, as well as the birth of a whole host of Coaches, explaining how to use the LOA to manifest anything you want.
The main premise of the LOA is that the things you focus on in your life are what you will attract into your life - sounds simple right?
Many people have found it difficult to manifest using the Law of Attraction. The main reason for this is that you can’t apply the Law of Attraction without also understanding the Law of Vibration!
The Law of Vibration is the primary law, and the Law of Attraction is the secondary law because vibration is what causes attraction. I explain this in more detail below. By knowing this very fact, you now have the key to how to make the whole process of manifestation & success work for you!
"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of ENERGY, FREQUENCY and VIBRATION."
Nikola Tesla
Quantum Physics tell us that everything in the Universe, including our bodies, is in a constant state of movement. Nothing rests. These movements are called vibrations. And the speed and rate at which these vibrations move are called frequency.
If you look at something you think is solid - like a table - it appears solid because it is vibrating at a low speed. Our bodies on the other hand, vibrate at an extremely high speed. Therefore, the only difference between them is their frequency of vibration.
Frequency and Vibration hold a hidden power that affects our lives, our mental and physical health and our consciousness.
When you are in:
The quality of your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions all carry a specific frequency and vibration that have an influence on the results and outcomes of all that takes place in your life. So it is important to maintain a positive attitude and carry out actions and speak words that carry a high vibration, to ensure that what you attract is positive, that will be for your highest good and will enhance and enrich your life, and in turn have a positive effect on the lives of those around you.
When you raise your vibration to the vibration of what you want to achieve or have, nothing will stop you from attracting what you want to achieve or have. This is Law.
That makes your vibration super important!
So stop focussing on the Law of Attraction & start using the Law of Vibration!
Our thoughts and feelings are energy in perpetual motion, an important spiritual aspect of our lives, and they control the vibration of our bodies. Therefore through the power of our mind and our feelings we have the power to dictate the frequency we vibrate at, which is great news!
This means that you can choose what vibrational state you want to live in, by consciously choosing your thoughts, and rewiring your subconscious to be a vibrational match.
Most people don’t choose their thoughts. Instead, they let whatever is currently going on in their lives dictate what they think about. As a result, they get stuck in those circumstances (good or bad) because they are now on that low frequency.
By deliberately choosing your vibration, you can use the Law of Vibration and Attraction to match up with anything you want.
I did not expect the field of Quantum Physics to answer my question as to why some people are more successful than others.
If you have learnt anything from what I have written above, please let it be this guiding principle.
There was a time when all I saw was a need to please everyone around me - my happiness and self worth was determined by outside factors, which left me at the mercy of others and my external environment.
Thanks to the Law of Vibration, Quantum Physics and the world of personal development, I am a powerhouse woman who is strong and in control, and my inner light shines bright. I feel good on the inside. If life throws a curveball, I have the strength to pick myself up, do the right thing, stay positive and keep moving forward. I feel grateful that I had the good sense to look into this, and more importantly implement this into my life.
I created Mary Fairs Healing and Coaching so I could:
This is what I wish for you, and I am here to help.
Through my life coaching, courses & treatments, I will give you the tools, thoughts, skills and ideas to heal and implement, allowing you to bring about positive life changes that YOU want in your life that will benefit yourself and others, which will add a whole new dimension to your life, giving you a new-found sense of achievement, personal freedom, happiness, confidence and self empowerment.
As far as I am concerned - it's all about YOU! And that's just as it should be.
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